Welcome to The Flamboyance Salon

Welcome to my new exhibition « The Flamboyance Salon » inspired by French Art Salons

The Salon in 1667 was the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Between 1748 and 1890 it was arguably the greatest annual or biennial art event in the Western world.

« The Flamboyance Salon » is my biggest solo show yet with a total of 20 pieces, half are new and half were selected from past series to act as a celebration of the two year anniversary of “Flamboyant”.

« The Flamboyance Salon » showing at 175 W Hastings Vancouver BC corner of Cambie in Gastown from July 31-Sept 3, 2023.
Here’s a list of the selection showcased at the show:

Act 1: Flamboyance 2023

Regarder Le Ciel (Flamboyance 2023)*

C’est Arrivé Par Hasard (Flamboyance 2023)*

Renouveau (Flamboyance 2023)*

Un Temps Nouveau (Flamboyance 2023)*

Dreams (Flamboyance 2023)*

Vibrant (Flamboyance 2023) [Coming to the Federation of Canadian Artists’s online Abstract Show]*

Follow Your Intuition (Flamboyance 2023) [Coming to the Federation of Canadian Artists’s online Abstract Show]*

The World of Venus (Flamboyance 2023)*

My Second Half **

Act 2: A Selection

A Journey Through Your Forest (From The Enchanted Garden)*

Flying Fairies (From The Enchanted Garden)

A Golden Age (From The Enchanted Garden)

Leaving an Impression (From the Enchanted Garden)

Strolling Through the Garden (From the Enchanted Garden)

The Day Before (From TOGETHER- The Art Show at the BCNPHA Conference)*

Brenda (From Discovering Your Story 2020)

Oblique (From Flamboyant 2021)

There’s Enough Room on my Playground for all of us (from Flamboyant 2021)

Angels (From UNITY)*

With Love, Magdalene (from UNITY)

Act 3: Photography
The Dark Artist (Photography by Paul Aurora)*

My Not So Secret Queer Garden (Photography by Rory McLeod)

* First time showcased at Bean on Hastings

** Online Exclusive


C’est arrivé par hasard 30X30

Un Temps Nouveau 24X30

Renouveau 36X48

Vibrant 36X36

My Second Half 24X36

Dreams 36X36

Follow your Intuition 36X24


CALL FOR ARTISTS: Olivier Salvas curates the 2023 BCNPHA Conference Art Show: “Welcome To My House”


The Enchanted Garden: The Fairies Collection